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ID 9118
Class Pisces
Species Nile tilapia
Tissue Kidney
Sample Organoids
Disease type Normal
Cell type T cells
Cell type (subtype) Non-specific cytotoxic T cells
Cell marker SML, CD209-like, GRN, NCCRP-1, CXCR2, CD209-like, CLEC4D, HL, SIGLEC7, STBD1, CXCR2-like, LTB4R
PubMed ID 32971213
Journal Genomics
SCI IF 6.213
Evidence Fig. 1D. Surprisingly, NCCRP-1, the well-known NCC marker expressed not only in NCC populations (cluster 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 17) but also in Mo/MΦ populations (Fig. S3), suggesting other specific markers were needed for NCC identification. On the other hand, according to the results of bubble chart and tSNE analysis(Fig. 2A and B), eight marker genes including CXCR2, CD209-like, CLEC4D, HL, SIGLEC7, STBD1, CXCR2-like, and LTB4R were unique present in the NCC population and were considered to be the receptor molecule of NCC.
Title Single-cell RNA-seq reveals different subsets of non-specific cytotoxic cells in teleost
Authors Jinzhong Niu et al.
Date 2020.11
Data available NA