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ID 2022
Class Mammalia
Species Homo sapiens
Tissue Cornea
Sample Tissue
Disease type Normal
Cell type Differentiated cells
Cell type (subtype) Terminally differentiated cells (TDCs)
Cell marker KRT12, KRT3, GJA1, KRT3, KRT12, SPRR2A, SPRR1B, IVL
PubMed ID 33388438
Journal Ocul Surf
SCI IF 12.336
Evidence The clustering result was annotated by the known markers including KRT12, KRT3 and GJA1 for differentiated cell; KRT14, KRT15 and KRT19 for progenitor; MKI67, BIRC5 and RRM2 for amplifying cell; TCF4, POSTN and A2M for LSC; TYR, TYRP1 and MLANA for melanocyte; and KRT4, KRT7 and KRT13 for conjunctival cells (Fig. 2F).Based on the differentiation status the 5 differentiated cell clusters (C0_C4) can be divided into two subgroups (Fig. 3A and B). C0/2 were terminally differentiated cells (TDCs) as they expressed the highest levels of differentiation markers including corneal epithelial specific differentiation markers, cytokeratin 3 (KRT3) and KRT12, and keratinocyte cornification markers SPRR2A, SPRR1B and IVL, but did not express the proliferation and epithelial SC makers
Title Single-cell transcriptomics identifies limbal stem cell population and cell types mapping its differentiation trajectory in limbal basal epithelium of Human cornea
Authors De-Quan Li et al.
Date 2021.1
Data available GSE153515