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single-nuclei RNAsequencing on NC-iSN1s and NC-iSN2s. Individual cells from the two iSN populationswere analyzed and algorithmically clustered based on transcriptional similarity (Figure 5A;see STAR Methods). NC-iSN1s and NC-iSN2s formed separate groups with little crossover, except for some NC-iSN2s that clustered among NC-iSN1s. Both conditions showedremarkable homogeneity within themselves, and no meaningful sub-clusters were identifiedbased on differential expression of sensory genes. Inspecting single genes revealedagreement between the bulk and single-nuclei RNA sequencing. Both cell clusters expressedSCN9A and PIEZO2, only NC-iSN1s expressed TRPM8, and TRPV1 was essentially absent(Figure 5B). Thus, the two neural crest-derived populations are each comprised of a distinctand homogeneous iSN subtype |