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ID 8581
Class Mammalia
Species Mouse
Tissue Skin
Sample Cell line
Disease type NA
Cell type Dendritic cells
Cell type (subtype) Dendritic cells
Cell marker Flt3, Batf3, Zbtb46, H2-Dmb2
PubMed ID 30552023
Journal Immunity
SCI IF 31.745
Evidence Both DC1s and DC2s expressed the DC markers Batf3, Flt3, H2-Dmb2, and Zbtb46 (Meredith et al., 2012; Hildner et al., 2008); DC1s expressed Fscn1 and Ly75 (DEC-205); and DC2s expressed CD209a (DC-SIGN), Mgl2 (CD301b), and Cd24a (Figures 2B and S2B).DC1s had higher expression of the granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor Csf2rb compared to DC2s, and neither DC1s nor DC2s expressed the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor Csf3r (Figure 2C). Additionally, DC1s were enriched for the T cell co-stimulatory factors Cd80, Cd83, Cd86, and Icam1 (Figure 2D), and DC1s and DC2s expressed distinct chemokines and chemokine receptors (Figure 2E).IL-12p40 (also known as IL12b) expression was contained exclusively within the DC1 population (Figure 2F).we found that DC1s were enriched in IL-12-related production factors such as Cd40 and Irf8 (Figure 2G).because key non-canonical NF-kB pathway genes, namely Cd40, Birc2 (Ciap1), Map3k14 (Nik), Nfkb2 (p100), and Relb, were all selectively upregulated in the IL-12+ tumor-infiltrating DC subset (Figure 6A)
Title Successful Anti-PD-1 Cancer Immunotherapy Requires T Cell-Dendritic Cell Crosstalk Involving the Cytokines IFN-g and IL-12
Authors Christopher S Garris et al.
Date 2018.12
Data available GSM3090155