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ID 8050
Class Mammalia
Species Mouse
Tissue Pancreas
Sample Tissue
Disease type Normal
Cell type Beta cells
Cell type (subtype) Beta cells
Cell marker Ins1, Ins2, Pdx1, Slc2a2, Nkx6-1, Mafa
PubMed ID 30283141
Journal Nature
SCI IF 49.962
Evidence we identified 10 distinct populations. This includes many previously characterized pancreatic cell types based on known cell-specific transcripts beta (Ins1+ , Ins2+ , Slc2a2+ , Nkx6- 1+ , Pdx1+ , and Mafa+ ), alpha (Gcg+ , Mafb+ , and Arx+ ), delta (Sst+ , Hhex+ , and Pdx1+ ), and PP cells (Ppy+ , Mafbneg, and Spp1+ ) of islets, as well as acinar (Amy2b+ , Cpa1+ , and Ptf1a+ ), ductal (Krt19+ and Hnf1b+ ), endothelial (Pecam1+ , Cdh5+ , and Kdr+ ), immune (Ptprc+ ), and pancreatic stellate cells (Pdgfra+ and Pdgfrb+ )
Title Single-cell transcriptomics of 20 Mouse organs creates a Tabula Muris
Authors Nicholas Schaum et al.
Date 2018.1
Data available GSE109774