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ID 8032
Class Mammalia
Species Mouse
Tissue Pancreas
Sample Tissue
Disease type Normal
Cell type Pancreatic cell
Cell type (subtype) Pancreatic delta cells
Cell marker Hhex, Pdx1, Sst
PubMed ID 30283141
Journal Nature
SCI IF 49.962
Evidence we identified 10 distinct populations. This includes many previously characterized pancreatic cell types based on known cell-specific transcripts beta (Ins1+ , Ins2+ , Slc2a2+ , Nkx6- 1+ , Pdx1+ , and Mafa+ ), alpha (Gcg+ , Mafb+ , and Arx+ ), delta (Sst+ , Hhex+ , and Pdx1+ ), and PP cells (Ppy+ , Mafbneg, and Spp1+ ) of islets, as well as acinar (Amy2b+ , Cpa1+ , and Ptf1a+ ), ductal (Krt19+ and Hnf1b+ ), endothelial (Pecam1+ , Cdh5+ , and Kdr+ ), immune (Ptprc+ ), and pancreatic stellate cells (Pdgfra+ and Pdgfrb+ )
Title Single-cell transcriptomics of 20 Mouse organs creates a Tabula Muris
Authors Nicholas Schaum et al.
Date 2018.1
Data available GSE109774