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ID 6010
Class Mammalia
Species Mouse
Tissue Epiblast stem cells
Sample Cell line
Disease type Normal
Cell type Mesoderm
Cell type (subtype) Mesoderm
Cell marker Eomes, Mixl1
PubMed ID 30118958
Journal Stem Cell Res
SCI IF 4.789
Evidence In addition to T, several other markers of mesoderm (e.g. Mixl1 and Eomes) and endoderm (e.g. Foxa2, and Cer1) were co-expressed in many of the D4_G2 cells, suggesting a similarity to the mixed mesoderm/endoderm progenitor that can give rise to definitive endoderm and anterior mesoderm derivatives, and is referred to as the mesendoderm
Title A single cell transcriptional portrait of embryoid body differentiation and comparison to progenitors of the developing embryo
Authors Abby Spangler et al.
Date 2018.8
Data available GSE100597