Cell marker |
Foxa2, Ttr, Lefty1, Eomes, Foxa1, Rhox5, Hnf4a, Plau, Hhex, Otx2, Afp, Trap1a, Xlr3a, Cdkn2a, Pdx1 |
Evidence |
Extended Data Fig. 4i; Gene_xpression plots of AVE (Cer1 and Dkk1), visceral_ndoderm (Eomes, Foxa1 and Ttr), and_isceral_ndoderm and EPI (Nodal) markers along EPI, and PrE and visceral_ndoderm lineages from E3.5_E5.5.Gene expression of AVE (Hhex and Lefty1), visceral endoderm (Foxa2 and Afp), visceral endoderm and EPI (Otx2 and Sox2) markers.Thus, despite the extensive morphological and transcriptional changes that take place between E7.5_nd_8.75, visceral endoderm lineage history is maintained through the expression of a core set of genes, including Rhox5, Trap1a, Xlr3a, Cdkn2a and Ttr;we compared the expression of markers of the emergent endodermal organs within both populations Nkx2-1 (thyroid and thymus)41, Irx1 (lung)42, Ppy (liver)43, Pdx1 (pancreas)44, Fabp1 (small intestine)45 and Hoxb9 (posterior gut tube) |