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Therefore, we scaled the sample variance to ensure the cells from different WT Mouse cluster together. At low clustering resolution, we found five distinct clusters of CD3ε_CD122+_ells (Figure 1A). Through exploring the differential expressed genes (DEGs) of each cluster, we found that Cluster 1 were conventional NK cells with high expression of_cr1_nd three subunits (Klrb1a, _lrb1b, and_lrb1c) of NK1.1 and comprised majority of the CD3ε_CD122+_ells (Figure 1A and B). The expression of_ki67_ndicated that cells in Cluster 2 were cycling (Figure 1B). Cluster 3 contained ILC1 cells indicated by the high expression of_mem176a/b_nd_xcr6(Figure 1B;_obinette et al., 2015). Notably, _cr1_nd_lrb1a/b/c_ere abundantly expressed in the ILC1 cluster that was higher than the NK cluster (Figure 1B). Cluster 4 was marked with high expression of_d3d/e/g_nd low_cr1_nd_lrb1a/b/c_xpression (Figure 1B). This population has been reported before in the scRNA-seq dataset of group 1 ILC in the lung and is potentially related to NK-T lineage (Ferrari de Andrade et al., 2018). We referred to it as_d3high_luster. ILC1, _d3high_ells and NKP potentially make up the Lin_CD122+NK1.1__ells. Cells in Cluster 5 were activated by inflammatory stimuli as made evident by the high expression of interferon-induced genes (Figure 1B). |