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ID 4
Class Actinopterygii
Species Danio rerio
Tissue Brain
Sample Tissue
Disease type Normal
Cell type Epidermal cells
Cell type (subtype) Epidermal cells
Cell marker epcam, cldni
PubMed ID 33068532
Journal Neuron
SCI IF 14.415
Evidence Plotting expression of known cell type markers identified clusters corresponding to neural progenitors (sox19a), dozens of neuron subtypes (e.g., elavl3, gad2, or slc17a6b), eye cells (e.g., foxg1b, lim2.4, pmela, ca14, gnat1, or opn1mw1), radial glia (e.g., mfge8a, or s100b), neural crest (sox10), oligodendrocytes (mbpa), blood cells (e.g., cahz, etv2, or cd74a), cartilage (e.g., matn4 or col9a2), pharyngeal arches (e.g., pmp22a, prrx1b, or barx1), sensory placodes (e.g., dlx3b or six1b), and epidermal cells (e.g. epcam or cldni), among others.
Title Emergence of Neuronal Diversity during Vertebrate Brain Development.
Authors Bushra Raj et al.
Date 2020.12
Data available GSE158142