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ID 3017
Class Mammalia
Species Homo sapiens
Tissue Liver
Sample NA
Disease type Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC)
Cell type Fibroblasts
Cell type (subtype) Fibroblasts
Cell marker COL1A2, ACTA2
PubMed ID 32505533
Journal Journal of Hepatology
SCI IF 20.582
Evidence These cells could be assigned to ten distinct cell types (Fig. 1B) using known marker genes malignant cells (11, 601 cells, 37.1%, marked with EPCAM, keratin 19 [KRT19], and KRT7); cholangiocytes (546 cells, 1.7%, marked with FYXD2, TM4SF4, and ANXA4); hepatocytes (328 cells, 1.0 %, marked with APOC3, FABP1, and APOA1); B cells (827 cells, 2.6%, marked with MS4A1 and CD79A); T cells (10, 883 cells, 34.8%, marked with CD2, CD3D, and CD3E); natural killer (NK) cells (1, 597 cells, 5.1%, marked with CD7, FGFBP2, and KLRF1); macrophages (3, 407 cells, 10.9%, marked with CD14); dendritic cells (DCs; 765 cells, 2.4%, marked with CLEC9A and CD1C); fibroblasts (498 cells, 1.59%, marked with ACTA2 and COL1A2) ; and Endothelial cellss (ECs; 823 cells, 2.6%, marked with ENG and vWF; Fig. 1C, Table S7).
Title Single cell transcriptomic architecture and intercellular crosstalk of Human intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
Authors Min Zhang. et al.
Date 2020.5
Data available GSE138709